Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter 2009

easter sunday ....4/12/2009.

i went to your moms house today. she almost made me cry. she had a big bowl of colored eggs. i thought of you immediately. i know how much you loved to do that with the kids.

i guess your mom had been crying yesterday & today. she really is missing you. i cry a lot too .

i started taking medicine to help me quit smoking. i was going to give myself until july , to see how i can get through that month. but i'm doing this for you. i need you here like the last time i quit but i know you can't be. at least come into my dreams to let me know that i'll be ok.

mckenna took odie along with us. i'm sure you know that ginger had to be put down, i remember telling you about it on one of my nightly talks to you. well your dad didn't want to be around any animals for w ahile. then one day i took that little shit odie over . he won your dad in a heartbeat.

so today your dad was his old self for a minute. he deviled that poor little dog like you would have, he carried him around, he just took a shine to him.

sis called while we were over there. she told me how sad your mom had been. i guess judy was having a hard time today also.

let me tell you big are so sorely missed. you touched so many people in your life that everywhere i go someone knows you.

i'm so glad to have had the short time with you that i did. i wasn't finished with you but i knwo we will find eachother again as we have in the past. only next time please don't let me do this again. if it was this hard the last time i do not want to do it the next time.

well sweetheart, i'm going to go watch our sunday ight line up. i try to keep some things the same , you know you can't teach an old dog new tricks LOL.

I love you now & forever,